Copyright ECOMMIT 2023

ECOMMIT and the Kakegawa and Kikugawa Sanitary Facility Associations in Shizuoka Prefecture collaborated to launch a demonstration experiment to implement a reuse promotion project (project scheduled to begin April 1, 2024).


ECOMMIT and the Kakegawa and Kikugawa Sanitary Facilities Association in Shizuoka Prefecture are pleased to announce the launch of a business for the sale of unwanted items using our scheme for the collection and redistribution of unwanted items, with the aim of further implementing reuse promotion projects, as follows.

Business commencement】】 April 1, 2024
April 1, 2024 (scheduled)
Prior to the start of the business, a demonstration experiment will be conducted from early March to investigate the types and quantities of items to be removed from the premises.

How collected items will be used
ECOMMIT, Inc. will collect unwanted items brought to the Environmental Resources Gallery and use them for various purposes, including domestic reuse, international reuse, and recycling through ECOMMIT's sales channels, etc.

For more information, please visit

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